新華社通信:フォックスコン、オランダとアラブ首長国連邦向けに46,500台のiPhone Xを出荷

新華社通信が、 鄭州税関は、河南省にあるフォックスコン鄭州工場から、鄭州新鄭国際空港と上海浦東国際空港からオランダ、アラブ首長国連邦の国際空港に向けて、46,500台のiPhone Xが出荷がされたと明らかにしたと伝えています。
これは、iPhone Xが海外向けに出荷された最初の台数となるようです。
Xinhua News Agency reported that Zhengzhou Customs shipped 46,500 units of iPhone X from Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport and Shanghai Pudong International Airport towards the international airports in the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates.
This number will be the number of iPhone X which have been shipped overseas for the first time.
Suppose that the number of the shipment is the one for the shipment to the Netherlands, the total number of the first shipment to all over the world would be about 840,000, which may consist of approx. 530,00 to the US, approx. 210,00 to the European countries and approx. 100,00 to Asian countries based on the distribution ration in the past.
Even if the additional shipment would be made before the start of the reservation, October 27th, it is highly possible that it would not reach five times.