WBS:大江麻理子キャスター、AppleのバイスプレジデントGreg Joswiak氏に「iPhone 6はいつ頃出されるのか?」と質問
テレビ東京の報道番組「ワールドビジネスサテライト」で、特集「スマホの未来どう変わる」(動画有り)が放送され、Apple Store, Ginzaにて行われた、大江麻理子キャスターによる、AppleのiPhone・iOSプロダクトマーケティング担当バイスプレジデントGreg Joswiak氏へのインタビューが放送されました。
大江麻理子キャスターが、iPhone 6はいつ頃出されるのかと質問すると、Joswiak氏は、笑いながら「うれしいけど残念ながらヒントはあげられない」とごまかしていました。
It was performed by Apple Store and Ginza in the report program "World business satellite" of TV Tokyo, The interview to the vice president Greg Joswiak specializing in iPhone-iOS product marketing of Apple by a Mariko Oe newscaster was broadcast.
Mr. Joswiak questioned on about a popular reason in Japan spoke, "The share in Japan went up fast, and became it 70 percent near now. The quality of merchandise is assessed in Japan though prices were given priority most according to countries".
When the Mariko Oe caster questioned on iPhone 6 about when announced, Mr. Joswiak spoke laughing, "To our regret, the hint is not given though it was glad".
When Android of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. increases one's share of the market about the world share of a smart phone, and he questions on the thing that a smart phone of 10,000 round tables has been turned on in China, Mr. Joswiak doesn't have will do so though it is terrible and easy to sell to a lot of people making the product "easily by a low price. It was spoken, We did not pursue the market share but try only to make the best product".
When the evolution of the smart phone that Apple thought about was asked, it was spoken, "We were being very interested how to improve people's lives. IPhone was able to be taken when going, and thought people's lives in the future to be better by making the best use of this benefit".