KGIアナリストの予想通り、iPhone 7はiPhone 6sよりも1mm薄い?

KGI SecuritiesのアナリストMing-Chi Kuo氏(郭明錤)が予想するように、iPhone 7はiPhone 6sと比べて、高さや幅は変わらず、液晶面側が1mm薄くなるようです。
アウトカメラレンズカバーは飛び出ていますが、本体と一体化されることで部品点数の削減と、iSightカメラ精度が向上する見通しで、iPhone 7はデュアルレンズではないようです。
iPhone 7 Plusがデュアルレンズがどうかは分かっていません。
As KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicts, the iPhone 7 will be the same as the iPhone 6s in terms of the height and width with the LCD screen 1 mm thinner.
As rumor has it, it will probably have no D line or 3.5mm headphone jack jack.
It has been said that it will be water-proof specifications with new composite materials, but it keeps using the metal case as before, remaining at the drip-proof level.
The built-in iPhone speaker has been monaural so far, but the new model may feature a stereo speaker at the bottom.
The outer camera lens cover will be integrated into the main body. The iPhone 7's lense is not a dual lens. We don't know whether or not the iPhone 7 Plus has a dual lens.
The Lightning connector may become thinner than before.
It's likely that a new "iPhone 7" will debut in September of 2016, sticking with Apple's usual annual release pattern.
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・KGI SecuritiesのアナリストMing-Chi Kuo氏、2016年発売のiPhone 7は薄さ6.1mm?