一連の発表から、Appleが、辞書アプリを多数販売するデベロッパーに対して、App Store Reviewガイドラインにある「4.3 スパム」に該当するとして、単一のアプリを提出し、異なるバージョンはApp内課金で提供する方法を検討するよう要求していたことが分かりました。
この4.3 スパムの解釈は、特定の場所、スポーツチーム、大学などに向けた異なるバージョンが存在するアプリのことで、辞書の場合だと、アプリの外枠は同じで、辞書コンテンツが違う状態がスパムに該当すると判断したようです。
Logo Vista who sells many dictionary apps in Japan announced the company will integrate all the apps which they were selling separately and move into contens store style by request of Apple.
According to their explanation, this was proposed from Apple in December 2017 and unless they agree to this proposal, they couldn't update existing apps.
As a result of discussing with Apple, we have explained that we revised the current application and develop it as contents application where each dictionary contents is purchased by paying in the application.
From a series of announcement, Apple has requested a developer who sells many dictionary applications to improve it since it is "4.3 spam" listed in guideline of Apple store review.
A new idea of Apple that several similar applications are not set on the screen of home is included.