工商時報:PegatronのT.H. Tung会長、新しいiPhoneは安くない?

Pegatron T.H. Tung会長
工商時報が、Pegatronは株主総会を開催し、T.H. Tung会長は、廉価版iPhoneに関して「価格は結構高い」と説明したと伝えています。
市場の噂では、2013年第3四半期に安いiPhoneが発売されることで、同社の業績が上昇すると見込まれているが?との質問に対して、T.H. Tung会長は「市場では置き換えを進ませる製品となると思うが、安いという呼び方には同意出来ないとし、フューチャーフォンの価格と比較して、今日のスマートフォンは、多くの事が出来るようになり、価格も適正だ。」と述べたそうです。
別の記事では、T.H. Tung会長は、生産工場はノンストップ状態で忙しいと説明したそうです。
Chairman T.H. Tung of Pegatron and new iPhone will be explained if not cheap.
According to the contents which Commercial Times reported, Pegatron held the general meeting of shareholders and Chairman T.H. Tung told that he explained "The price is fairly high" about low-priced edition iPhone.
In the rumor of a market, although it is expected by cheap iPhone being sold to the 3rd quarter in 2013 that the achievements of the company go up, Chairman T.H. Tung thinks in "market that he becomes a product made to follow replacement to a question with ?, but. It supposes that it cannot agree with how to call that it is cheap, and as compared with the price of future phones, today's smart phone comes to be able to do many and its price is also proper. It was described as ".
With another report of Commercial Times, Chairman T.H. Tung explained that a production plant was busy with a nonstop state.
According to Commercial Times, industry sources, It seems that Pegatron is due to reinforce 3,000~4,000 employees towards production of low-priced edition iPhone from the second half of June, and is predicted for 13 million~15 million sets to be due to be shipped in the 3rd quarter in 2013.
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