大塚製薬が音楽雑誌「Switch 2013年8月号」に掲載した、雑誌とiPadを組み合わせた世界初の広告「POCARI MUSIC PLAYER」を試す
大塚製薬が、インタビュー系音楽雑誌「Switch 2013年8月号」に掲載した雑誌とiPadを組み合わせた、世界初の広告「POCARI MUSIC PLAYER」を試してみました。
毎夏行われる大規模なロックフェスティバル「FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '13」のオフィシャルサポーターでもある同社が、iPadのSafariで表示された専用サイトと連動する広告として展開しています。
広告ページにあるレコード型のカードを切り離し、iPadのSafariからアクセスしたPOCARI MUSIC PLAYERのターンテーブル上に重ねると音楽が再生されるという仕組みです。
レコード型カードは3種類あり、LITEの「bond」、光風&GREEN MASSIVEの「櫻」、STERUSSの「go city blues」の3曲を視聴出来ます。
Otsuka Pharmaceutical tried the world's first advertisement "POCARI MUSIC PLAYER" which combined the magazine published to the musical journal "Switch August, 2013 issue", and iPad.
The company which is also an official supporter of the lock festival "FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'13" held in Japan as for every summer spreads out as an advertisement interlocked with the dedicated site displayed by Safari of iPad.
The mechanism in which music will be played if it piles up on the turntable of POCARIMUSIC PLAYER which separated the card of the record type in an advertisement page, and was accessed from Safari of iPad.
The record type card can view and listen to three music of those with three kind, and an indies group of Japan.
Special processing which uses static electricity ink is carried out to the reverse side of this card, and it has become a mechanism in which the information which multi-touched the place on which it decided by pinching a knob portion with a finger is transmitted.
The number of the places where a card pushes the liquid crystal side of iPad is three, and if they carry out the tap of the same place as the position with three fingers, they are renewable similarly.
Although a reaction may be slightly bad, I thought that it was interesting as an idea.