ソフトバンクが、2020年3月期 第1四半期決算を2019年8月5日(月)に発表し「2020年3月期 第1四半期 決算発表」説明会を開催しました。
Softbank president has implied this year's iPhone may be on sale on September 20.
Softbank has had a quartery financial results presentation briefing for March 2020.
The President of Softbank, Ken Miyauchi,, on conducting revised Telecommunication Business Law starting on the 1st of October,2019, "iPhone will be released in the middle of September , how will it going to be until 30th of September since the iPhone will be started to be sold ?" asked a media reporter, Miyauchi answered "Honestly, wondering what should I do but about for 10 days, no I should stop say that. Anyway I don't know when to release the new iPhone however almost after 10 days, it will be unbundled, and it will be making bundle after that.
This announement suggests that this year's iPhone shoould be on sale on September the 20th.
The contents of the press interview can be checked on video.(1:06:20~)
— 石川 温 (@iskw226) August 5, 2019