オークニーの森亮氏、iOS 6のマップは、ずさんなエンジニアリングによるもので欠陥商品のレベルだと指摘





Map of iOS 6 is defective product, expert pointed.

Mr. Mori Akira, who is president of Japanese leading geographic data consultant Orkney,Inc. and is chairman of The Open Source Geospatial Foundation, reported "The reason of bad Map on iOS 6 is not cultural or based map, but is bad engineering". on his blog.

According to Mr. Mori, Apple does not understand specification of geographic map data which was provided by Increment P corp. which is one of Japanese leading map data provider, then Apple did not implemented most important scale dat (1/2,500 series) for city map, and additionally they left landmark's POI positioning fault, and also categorized incorrect way.

Mr. Mori told on his blog, Apple seems even not to compare with Google Map, and concluded this bad Map was made from bad engineering.

Not only for Japanese Map, but also bad map covers all over the world expect north America area, then Mr. Mori told that Map will not be fixed for half or a year.

iOS 6:マップの検索結果が間違っていたり、経路が違っている場合の「問題を報告」する方法
AllThingsD:iOS 6のマップがひどいというユーザーの声に対して、Appleが絶えず改善に勤めているとコメント


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