
CES2016出展アクセサリーメーカー、iPhone 5seは、iPhone 5s用アクセサリーが利用可能と語る


CES 2016に出展する複数の中国系OEMアクセサリー製造メーカーによると、iPhone 5s (2nd generation)は、高さ122.90mm、幅57.63mmで若干小さくなるとしながらも、筐体デザインや、液晶ガラス面のサイズなどはまったく同じのため、iPhone 5s用アクセサリーが使用可能だと話していました。


According to China-based OEM accessory manufactures exhibiting at CES2016, iPhone 5s (2nd generation) will be 122.90 mm x 57.63 mm (height x width). which will be a bit smaller, but accessories for iPhone 5s (2nd generation) will be available for iPhone 5s since the sizes of smartphone's housing and LCD glass have not changed at all

It is may not be popular in Japan and the US where a new housing design is preferred to an old one, but it's considered to be appealing In China where ApplePay will start, and in Mexico where smartphones with smaller screens are more popular.

関連エントリー:A8チップ採用のiPhone 5s Mark IIが製造準備中?


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